“After Argent re-formed to play the High Voltage Festival in the summer of 2010 and, again, after their two subsequent short tours, many people complained on social media that they had not known about these gigs and would have liked to have seen them.
I suggested to Russ that he needed a newsletter to keep fans up to date with whatever was happening. He said it wouldn’t work as he led too quiet a life! After he won the Classic Rock Songwriter Award in 2012, I tried again and this time he agreed.
Rather than just send it out when there was news, Russ decided that we should try sending it monthly and see how it went. The first edition went out in March 2013 and we haven’t missed a month since.” If you haven’t signed up yet – why not give it a go?
-Sue Robinson-
“It’s amazing to see the interested in my newsletter… after all these years”